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“Little Girl” breakdown by Valentina Budeanu

Character artist portfolio


I started from a concept I had saved for a long time, with the goal of making a fully game-ready character. My biggest challenge was the hair cards.

First, I gathered all my references in PureRef, including anatomy, clothing, and other details. I also looked at characters on ArtStation for inspiration.

Pure Ref 3D character art

T pose 3D character

For the high-poly model, I used ZBrush and Marvelous Designer. I started with a base mesh and focused on the face, aiming for a childlike look with chubby cheeks and big eyes. Most of the clothes were made in Marvelous, and I added details in ZBrush. For the rest, I used basic shapes and ZModeler to get clean geometry before adding details.

Highpoly 3D character art

3D Game Ready Character

Using subdivisions made retopology easier since many parts were already low-poly. In Maya, I optimized everything to stay under my 100K polycount limit. After finishing the UVs and texture packing, I moved on to texturing.

I started with the face and body textures, then set up a shader in Marmoset. I always keep Marmoset open while texturing to see the results in real time.

Then came the hardest part: the hair. I stopped and did a lot of research on hair cards, watching tons of tutorials to understand the process. I bought the GSCurve tool and finally got to work. It took me over three weeks just for the hair, but in the end, I was really happy with the result.

3D Hair Cards - Game Character Art

For the final steps, I posed the character, made a small scene, and rendered everything.

After months of work, I’m really happy with how it turned out. This project helped me see my skill level, improve a lot, and learn even more.

3D Game Character Art

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About the author

I’m a 3DArtist based in Verona (Italy). I like to play teamwork and i love to learn as more as possible about my job and each thing that can help me to improve my personal skills. Skills: Hard surface Modelling, Digital sculpting, Texturing/shading. Software: 3Dsmax, Maya, Photoshop, Zbrush, Mudbox, 3Dcoat, Vray, Substance painter, Xgen

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